The Ouya micro-console has been available in select Target stores since it launched back ..."/> The Ouya micro-console has been available in select Target stores since it launched back ..."/>

Ouya Coming To All Target Stores


The Ouya micro-console has been available in select Target stores since it launched back in June, but now its presence is expanding.

In an exclusive interview with Polygon, Ouya founder Julie Uhrman revealed that, due to consumer demand, the console will be available in every Target store across the United States. That’s a total of 1,800 new stores that consumers will be able to find Ouya.

Target is expected to start advertising the console during its winter push in December with a video advertisement as well as game cards for the system Uhrman stated. She noted that demo stands are going to be set up throughout stores starting some time early next year.

She added that the company is negotiating a deal to make the console available at Wal-Mart, something she expects to be finalizing sometime soon.

You can read the full story by following the link near the top of the story.


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