PlayStation 4 Error Corrupting Save Files


For the most part, any problems affecting the next-gen console from Sony since its launch in November has been game specific, and hasn’t caused console-wide issues. Unfortunately, however, it seems as if the first major PlayStation 4 issue is starting to unravel, and it’s affecting players’ game save data.

The error is “CE-34878”, and, based on this 35-page posting on the Playstation forums, it has been causing countless players to lose game save files no matter what the game they are playing at the time is. The error has occured, according to posts in the thread, while playing NBA 2k14, Call of Duty: Ghosts, FIFA 14, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and Battlefield 4.

If you remember, this specific error number is the same error that Battlefield 4 users were receiving on the PS4 back in November. We were even hit by the error during our time with Battlefield. Now, it appears the issue has hit even more users; on even more games.

One user even claims to have lost 30 hours of data because of the error. The error has even reportedly caused some apps to be rendered useless unless game files are deleted.

Sony has yet to comment on this seemingly widespread issue.

Tell us Gamesiders! Have you been hit with error CE-34878? Have you lost your saved game data? Leave a comment below and let us know, or tell us on Twitter @Gamesideddotcom.


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