The 50 Best Nintendo Games Right Now (Wii U / 3DS)

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Shovel Knight - Propeller Knight
Shovel Knight - Propeller Knight

Best Nintendo Games List – #8 Shovel Knight

Developer: Yacht Club Games

Publisher: Yacht Club Games

Platforms: Nintendo 3DS, Wii U

Release Date: June 26, 2014

It’s hard to think of a game that looks and sounds like an 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System title to represent the best of the Wii U and 3DS, but you’d be damned not to give Shovel Knight the respect it deserves. It follows the story of the titular character as he embarks on a journey to save shield knight from the clutches of The Order of no Quarter. It’s pretty cool that Yacht Club, as of the Plague of Shadows content, has also offered the gameplay option to reverse the gender roles, where Shovel and Shield Knight, plus the boss characters, can see their genders switched.

Shovel Knight mixes the action of Ducktales, the overworld exploration of Super Mario Bros. 3, the platforming slant of Mega Man and the visual style of Castlevania to make their own charming amalgamation. The game is decidedly borne out of appreciation for the classics, while offering up their own to fill in the decades-long gap in output from such prolific companies that birthed the genre. One of the best soundtracks in gaming, it mixes MIDI sounds of the era in a way that opens up its possibilities due to advances in technology.

Periodic content updates, the ease of access in play, amiibo support; Shovel Knight showcases that you don’t need a budget in the tens of millions to craft an excellent gameplay experience in the modern era.

Next: #7 Bayonetta 2