Is MLB The Show 24 Going to Be on PS4? Answered

San Diego Studios

MLB The Show 24 is around the corner and so is the 2024 MLB season. Baseball fans know the end of the Super Bowl signifies the real hype beginning to build for MLB.

Sports fans of different video game franchises know that a new EA FC comes out each September, Madden sometime in August, and the early spring is reserved for MLB The Show. The latest entry in the franchise, MLB The Show 24, is set to launch worldwide on Mar. 19 with a special Early Access promotion available for those who purchase a premium edition of the game.

As we get closer to release, fans who love the franchise but still haven't made the jump to a next-generation console want to know if older generation versions are going to be released. Don't worry, we've got the answer for you here.

Is MLB The Show 24 Going to Be on PS4? Answered

Fear not, MLB The Show 24 will be launching on PlayStation 4 this March. The Standard Edition of MLB The Show 24 on PS4 will cost $59.99.

Those wanting to purchase a premium version, like the MVP Edition, can still do so on PlayStation 4. As has become the trend for many popular franchises, players who purchase the PS4 MVP Edition will also get dual entitlement to the PS5 version if they choose to upgrade in the current game cycle.

The franchise is developed by Sony's San Diego Studios, and was a PlayStation exclusive for quite some time. Though, in recent history, SDS has brought the franchise not only to Xbox, but the Nintendo Switch as well. This year's iteration is not only being released on PS4 again, but also Xbox One. So, Microsoft owners don't have to be worried about missing out on old generation inclusion.

It'll be interesting to see how long the major sports video game franchises continue to include old generations each year for releases. We're nearing four years of the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5, but many developers continue to release old-gen versions.