MLB The Show 16 Highlights 40 Assorted Improvements

It’s the little things adding up that makes annual updates to MLB The Show improve in the long term, as MLB The Show 16 has more than 40 coming this March.

The economic dilemma that plagues sports gaming fans each year; do you buy the new version or wait another year? MLB 14: The Show was an early example of knowing when not to pull the trigger, while MLB 15: The Show highlighted enough improvement to warrant an update. This year, the newly-renamed MLB The Show 16 will feature a host of new improvements, which are covered in a Tweet video partnership between developers SCE San Diego and GameStop.

One of the major things coming to MLB The Show 16, right off the bat, is the option to have the roof opened or closed for the six retractable MLB stadium roofs in the game. Classic stadiums like Polo Grounds and Forbes Field, plus Sounds of the Show, will make their return with a PS4 debut. Roster changes will get stat breakdowns. A new roster management system visualizes player stats in a stylized, fluctuating circle. 50 different players will get their unique home run swings into the game, with rounding the base celebrations and home run distances thrown in for good measure. Time for Edwin Encarnacion to walk the parrot!

These are just some of the changes coming to the PS4 version of MLB The Show 16, which will kick off the 2016 MLB season on March 29th for PS4 and PS3. The PS Vita version has finally been dropped.