Morning DLC: Video Game News & Rumors 2/18/2016

"First announced early last year, Obliteracers has come a long way. For starters, it’s called Obliteracers now instead of Space Dust Racers. Secondly, it’s finally releasing on Steam next week, February 24 to be precise. While the footage below might put you in mind of Mario Kart, Obliteracers is more like ye olde whimsical car combat game Micro Machines."

PC Gamer

As much as they distract us from the people around us, smartphones are starting to bring us together around video games. They also save us from buying bundles of controllers and eliminate a barrier to entry for non-gamers. Obliteracers will still have the issue of packing people around a computer desk, but a console version is supposedly on the way.

See the launch trailer below:

"Round two, which unlocks Thursday morning, will include the games Streets of Rage II, Condemned: Criminal Origin, and Binary Domain—and open up an 80% discount on Alpha Protocol.And a third bundle of games, made up of Gunstar Heroes, Renegade Ops, and Viking: Battle for Asgard, is expected to become available Saturday."


Sega is giving away some very good games in their Make War Not Love promotion. It’s hard to say if Sega is succeeding in converting players over to their more recent titles, but win, lose, or draw it’s a win for us. This morning unlocked “round two” which contains Binary Domain (2012), Condemned: Criminal Origins (2005), and Streets of Rage II (1992) all for free. All you have to do is click a button and you’ll own them. Seriously. That’s it.

"Not since DC tapped Gene Luen Yang to write Superman last year has a mainstream comic features such an intriguing and unexpected choice of writer. Mariko Tamaki (best known for her 2014 graphic novel This One Summer) has teamed up with artist Phillip Sevy for this new series."


A lot of folks have recently finished playing Rise of the Tomb Raider on PC, and if you’re hungry for more story, Dark Horse has you covered with Tomb Raider #1. Unfortunately, the opening issue sounds like it’s mired in bland setup and backstory. But while the lead-up may not be too interesting, the main story is said to also center around the search for immortality, so I’m interested to see if the comic bridges gaps or uncovers more mysteries surrounding Rise of the Tomb Raider.