Firewatch Will Launch At Less Than $20

Firewatch is set for launch on Windows, Mac, Linux and PS4 one week from today, with discount opportunities available.

While certainly not more important that the quality of gameplay or narrative, the price of an independent video game is still a hotly contested idea among those in the gaming community. Despite the excellence presented in The Witness, many have balked at the notion that the game could be priced at $40. Granted, that came before we knew it would take dozens upon dozens of hours to complete it, but Campo Santo need not make that a worry of theirs. They have announced today that Firewatch will be released for $19.99 USD on Steam and the PlayStation Store.

There are additional discount options for those who want to pay just a bit less for Firewatch. You can pre-order the game on Steam right now for a 10% discount, with an additional option to bundle in the original soundtrack at a 10% off rate. PlayStation 4 owners will have the option to buy the game on release day at 10% off if they own PS Plus, and will include a discounted PS4 theme bundle that can be purchased separately, if requested.

Related Story: Interview With Cissy Jones, Voice Of Delilah In Firewatch

If you don’t have an idea about what Firewatch is, the developers have done their job to keep the mystery of the game alive. The above “Ambiance” trailer does have a rather pleasant tone, putting the viewer right into the stylized world Campo Santo wishes to create. It’s a great time to get out a narrative adventure game, with Dontnod following in the footsteps of Telltale in branching out the choice-based graphic adventure genre to a small evolution from the LucasArts days of old. We’ll have to wait a week to see what Firewatch does to branch out on their own.