Morning DLC: Video Game News & Rumors 1/22/2016

ByMartin Benn|
"Lead lighting artist Oscar Carlen has confirmed that there a free map will not be included in this month’s update, claiming that EA Brazil’s video was removed due to “misinformation”."

Star Wars Battlefront Will Not Receive Free Tatooine Map DLC

For a moment there, many fans of the latest Star Wars Battlefront game, many whom just really love Star Wars, were excited yesterday when a video from EA Brazil showed off a new free Tatooine DLC map. Not to be completely demoralized by the lack of additions to the game since launch, there will be free content release later this month. There is of course no date for when that will be nor are there any other details on what will be included. The previously mentioned EA Brazil video has been taken down from YouTube.

"When asked on Twitter, Eric Fenstermaker, lead designer at Obsidian, responded, “I’m always up for working on a Fallout. I think most of us generally are. Really fun property to work with.”"

Obsidian Lead Designer Is In With More Fallout

Were you underwhelmed by some of the options of Fallout 4 in comparison to Fallout New Vegas? Did you think the open world premise could have used a little bit more flair than what was presented in the game? Did you think the game looked about on par with the way games from 5 years ago looked, played, and ran? Well, you are in luck. The developers at Obsidian would still like another go at the Fallout series.

What does this mean for Fallout in the future? Probably not much, to be honest. It was still a top selling game of 2015 with all of the faults people found with it. It’s still a Bethesda game with all of the faults people find with those. You can still be in first or third person and you can still do almost anything you want. That said, I would not hold my breath. It took 7 years for Fallout 4 to materialize. If there is something you think is a better game that came out before, it probably will not be here until 2019!

Fresh off the heels of the Japanese announcement for new Amiibo, Nintendo of America has announced the arrival of Animal Crossing, Pokemon, and Smash Amiibo in the US. While not an avid collector of Amiibo myself, I do think it is great to see no one will have to really pay a ton to import Amiibos. I must admit, I thought Amiibos would be popular, but they are so much more popular than I anticipated.

I know people who have entire collections of figurines already and Nintendo has not even been doing it that long. Could you imagine if they were first to the Toys2Life genre as opposed to waiting until the waning years of the Wii U to implement it. They could have sold Wii U like Hotcakes. McDonalds just said you could Hotcakes all day long. You know how many Hotcakes that is! Nintendo could have been selling Wii U like Hotcakes!