Morning DLC: Video Game News & Rumors 1/21/2016

"Three new screenshots of Shenmue 3 have emerged from the MAGIC expo currently underway in Monaco.The images (one is above, two are below) are fairly static even with Ryo and Shenhua pictured together. Of course, they’re facing away from the viewer, but this at least shows 1) the characters in-game (one assumes) and 2) development is still proceeding apace."


It’s not much to go by, but at least Kickstarter backers can see their money in-action. Some character screenshots were released in November, but these newest images are much more environmentally focused. If you follow the Twitter link in the article you find that (unsurprisingly) commentators are criticizing the overall visual style of the game. It’s too soon to call this one folks.

"Thanks to iam8bit, Wintory’s score will release on double, coloured vinyl later this year. It’ll set you back $40, but that comes with a digital version of the album, too. Pre-orders are open tomorrow, and these things tend to sell out pretty quickly, so if you’re interested in this I’d suggest snapping it up pronto."

PC Gamer

I currently have 13 record albums hanging on my wall, but none look as good as this. The cover design is killer, and I want to order one of these even though I haven’t even played The Banner Saga. If you’re interested you really do need to act fast. I missed out on the Hotline Miami 2 vinyl and it’s something I’m still regretting. You can get a preview of the soundtrack in the video below.

"Online marketplace and artist community Redbubble has teamed up with indie game developers to launch the pilot of Redbubble Fan Art.New branded pages on the Redbubble website help game content rights holders sell designs to established fan art community members.The Fan Art pilot program is kicking off with Armello, and the new developer-curated pages also feature games such as Crypt of the Necrodancer,Broforce, Darkest Dungeon, and Galak-Z. Fan art is featured on the likes of t-shirts, pillows, phone cases, and more."


Redbubble has been a hub for finding unofficial gaming gear for some time, but now it’s getting an official endorsement, starting with indies. This looks like it will be a very cool partnership because it means we’ll get to see merchandise for games that wouldn’t have any otherwise. Sure we could have paid some random person on the internet for it, but it’s better for the property owners to get a piece of their rightfully deserved pie.