PSX 2015: New Team Ninja Title Ni-Oh Is Action In Feudal Japan


Samurai Swords? Check. Arrows? Check. Polearms? Check. Almost full samurai armor? Check. Mystical animal powers? Check. Interesting setting in Japan? Check. Ni-Oh checks all my boxes off as a game.

Featuring a particularly silent protagonist with a penchant for leaving his enemies bloodied, Ni-Oh is a new game from Koei Tecmo. The action in this trailer reminds of a bit of a mix of The Witcher 3 and the former Ninja Gaiden games. Throw in a bit of the natural effects of Okami as well.

There are not too many more details about the game available at this time, but we will be sure to keep you updated on the game as we receive more information.

What do you all think of the trailer for this new game?