Things I think we’ll see at the Bethesda briefing
- Dishonored Remastered, Plus Dishonored 2 Reveal
Brazil’s ratings board has been as leaky as an unstanched…boat lately, and if it is to be believed, a Dishonored Remastered title has been in the works at Arkane Studios for some time. While it would make sense for Bethesda to release that info when the spotlight’s focused on them, not everyone will be too happy about yet another remastered video game. That’s why a Dishonored 2 stinger immediately following such an announcement would be crucial, especially if it carried some sort of exclusive bonus if you got the original title’s remaster. It seems like the kind of thing Bethesda would do in such a situation.
- Brand New IP Gets Cinematic Trailer Treatment
It would be foolish to predict an entirely unique intellectual property without being tipped off about it, so I won’t even pretend to be in the know. After seeing more than my fair share of E3’s, however, I know that you can’t really pull off a show without coming out with a new title that has people asking questions. Yes, we’ve been talking about Fallout 4, Dishonored 2 and a new Doom title, but it’s those new IP reveals that could end of being the showstopper. That is, if they can wow and amaze crowds with its uniqueness like Sunset Overdrive did.
- We’ll Learn About The Next Tango Gameworks Project
For all intents and purposes, The Evil Within was a solid debut for Tango Gameworks. Under the tutelage of famed games director Shinji Mikami, there’s no knowing what’s next out of the studio. That said, Mikami has proven to work on multiple titles at once, albeit under varying roles (like producer, director, etc.). With The Evil Within all wrapped up, I wouldn’t be surprised if we got a hint at to what the studio is working on next. It wouldn’t be necessarily ready for 2016, but just a peek behind the curtains is enough at such an early stage. Whether or not it is a sequel is up in the air.
Next: Wishcasting For Dream Bethesda Reveals