10 Things We’d Like To See In WWE 2K16
By Fraser G.
#6 – Backstage Areas
If you ever played WWE Smackdown : Here Comes The Pain, you’ll know what I’m getting at here. Here’s the dream – multi-man matches, beginning in the ring and transitioning into a full backstage brawl around the arena, possibly even spilling out onto the streets. These are the great memories I have of playing local multiplayer with my friends on my PlayStation 2.
This is another one of those elements which has seen partial re-formations over the years, but has never quite extended to the gravitas of Here Comes The Pain’s backstage brawl features.
I want corridors, alleyways, outdoor locations, and maybe an arena based section, similar to the one featured in Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008. If 2K are feeling ambitious, they could add the ability to fight on the stairways next to the fans. The possibilities are endless.
In recent years, we have seen backstage brawls which are confined to a small environment, with no option to leave the area. Even then, they felt too devoid of ideas. The best backstage areas have featured objects to interact with, plenty of weapons, wide open spaces, and tall locations for those all important high-spots.
Next: #7 - Enhanced Customization Features