Nintendo Announces New Fire Emblem Game


During this morning’s Nintendo Direct, a new Fire Emblem game is on its way for Nintendo 3DS. It is an entirely new title with a new storyline, and was created by the same team as Fire Emblem: Awakening. The full title has not yet been announced.

The character design is by Kozaki Yusuke. For creating the storyline, a new member has joined the team–Shin Kibayashi. Kibayashi is a manga writer and artist, and was brought to the team to create an entirely new atmosphere for the game. In the past, choice has had a minor effect on how you played in the Fire Emblem series, but now choice will have an even greater effect on the game, and  the choices will be larger and more difficult.

You can watch the trailer for the upcoming Fire Emblem game here:

Stay tuned for more news from the Nintendo Direct here at GameSided!

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