For all intents and purposes, 2014 was a bad year overall. It saw untimely death, import..."/> For all intents and purposes, 2014 was a bad year overall. It saw untimely death, import..."/>

GameSided Game of the Year 2014 | Daniel’s Picks

4 of 12

9 – This War of Mine

Metacritic Aggregate

I am hooked on this apocalyptic war survival game so much that I’m currently on my third different attempt at completing it before finally giving my final thoughts in a formal review. Whether it be the simple, yet effective message that “War is Hell” personified, or the needs vs. risks vs. rewards management of survival materials or the strict enforcement of permanent death and the coping as a party, I’m buying what 11 Bit Studios has been selling.

This War of Mine is a 2.5D on-the-fly, tactical-action-management game that see you control a party of survivors as they brace themselves for 40+ days of trying to stay alive. Medicine, food, components to improve your shelter (and weapons to defend it) are all crucial aspects of this cruel life, but the moral barometer of what you rely on is up to you. It’s that simplicity of player agency that makes it so special.

Yes, the game’s more dramatic moments are scripted events that are likely to occur the same way throughout multiple playthroughs, but the perfect balance of darkness without getting too preachy or soap-boxy makes This War of Mine a worthy mention.

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