Gamesided Game of the Year 2014 | Martin’s Picks

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I have this really nagging feeling about 2014 as a year in gaming. While I enjoyed many of the offerings available, so many games promised to be so many things it almost feels impossible not to be somewhat disappointed in what has eventually become my game of the year list. It feels almost embarrassing my biggest highlight of gaming this year happened during the beta of a game I eventually grew to loathe exponentially and it still made my top 5 list.

Anyway, the year did have some strong standout games I believed did very good things to either refine, crystallize, explore, or push forward many gaming conventions I have become accustomed to. I do not really have 10 games I enjoyed like some of my colleagues, so I will keep it simple with 5 games. I’ve deliberated this point a lot over the last month. I eventually settled upon those things I either really enjoyed or I see pushing the landscape of this genre of entertainment we call video games.

This is my list of what I personally played, and what I enjoyed the most throughout the entirety of 2014. If you have differing thoughts on any games listed in my Game of the Year list, make sure to leave a well-reasoned argument in the comments section at the end. You can also reach me at my Twitter account: @gotMAB21.

So, without further ado, here are my top 5 games of the year.