GameSided Game of the Year 2014 | Rebekah’s Picks

4 of 10

7 – Five Nights at Freddy’s

GameSided Review

Guh. Just looking at those stupid animals makes me cringe. I couldn’t even play this one myself–had to settle for watching friends do it, but as much as I loathe the feeling that some ridiculous animatronic duck is going to pop out of the screen at me at any moment, I have to admit–this game was well done. Both FNAF and its sequel are, at heart, just resource management games. You have x amount of battery and y amount of time. You can only look in one place at a time. You can’t do certain things with the hat on. Their brilliance is in the increasing amount of…motivation…you have to do things right, and the plot that underlies the gameplay. And oh goodness is there a backstory.

The game looks, sounds, and is terrifying. If the goal was to scare the bejeebus out of me, consider it more than accomplished. And because the story is so darn interesting, I will sadistically keep coming back for more, because there will be more. Ugh, okay, now to move on to something more friendly-looking…

Next: #6 Sees Square Enix Do What They Should Be Doing With Final Fantasy