Assassin’s Creed Unity Patch Delayed

Ubisoft has just announced on their blog that a major Assassin’s Creed Unity patch, expected to fix many of the rampant issues in Assassin’s Creed Unity, has been put on hold temporarily. This patch was originally scheduled for today.

Here is Ubisoft’s official statement on the delay:

"Rigorous quality control is of paramount importance to us, and your feedback over these past weeks has indicated that it is important to you as well.As stated last week, we’d expected to release the patch today (and we know that many are anticipating its release), but we are choosing to hold off until we can give you the improvements we’ve promised. We are committed to delivering major performance improvements, which requires that we refurbish the Paris map and that will take a few more days to hit the high level of quality our players deserve.Thank you very much for your understanding and continued patience.-The Live Update Team"

Though this decision is likely in their best interest after the rushed, buggy release of Unity, the decision has left fans even more frustrated than before, after being taunted with a fix date and told, at the last second, that it would be delayed further. The bugs the patch purports to fix are many, though the main problem seems to be with online play crashing the game completely.

Ubisoft is already offering the first DLC free of charge to everyone, and those who already purchased it via the Season Pass will receive another free Ubisoft title as compensation. Still, Unity’s comedy of errrors just keeps growing. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

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