PS Experience 2014: Final Fantasy VII Port Coming To PS4

PlayStation Experience 2014’s keynote address, among many, many other games, also featured a long-awaited announcement of a Final Fantasy VII port, which will be coming to the PS4 in the spring. Unfortunately, the game looks to be a straight port, with no graphical updates, so everyone who was eagerly awaiting an HD remake of the game after watching Advent Children or playing Crisis Core is going to be sorely disappointed. Still, if you never got around to playing the game on the original system, this Final Fantasy VII port might be a great opportunity to experience the popular RPG.

We’re covering this and the other piles of news coming out of the PlayStation Experience 2014. For more gaming news and reviews, follow us on twitter @GameSidedDotCom. To get the latest in gaming wherever you go, download the official Fansided App on the App Store or Google Play Market today!