There Are Warlords In Times Square Today

According to a Reddit post and a lot of Twitter activity, it seems that there are Warlords in Times Square. The Iron Horde has made its appearance in New York City in preparation for the upcoming expansion to World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, which launches on Thursday of this week. The comments on the Reddit post are pretty entertaining, too, if you’re a Warcraft fan.

The “wreckage” of a taxi sits behind police tape with the hashtag #Warlords on it and traffic cones. The taxi itself is emblazoned with various sayings such as “Flat Fare Draenor” and “The Iron Horde Is Coming” (according to a closeup image from @perculia). The advert on top, for Warlords of Draenor, lies smashed on the pavement, and an absolutely enormous version of Gorehowl is stuck in the roof of the taxi, as if Garrosh himself had annihilated the vehicle.

From @perculia:

This is awesome and makes me wish I lived in a place with more Warcraft activities going on. But, for those of us who are far away, Kotaku reports the usual mayhem of final parties, raids, and celebrations of the end of Mists of Pandaria. Might be worth logging on during the remaining hours to join the fun!

Either way…see you in Draenor!

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