Super Smash Bros Announcer Rocks The Pokemon Theme

If you needed a bit of joy in your morning, Nintendo Life shared a video this morning that’s worth a listen for the laughs. Xander Mobus, the enthusiastic voice we know best as the Super Smash Bros Announcer (ready….GO!) asked Smash players what they most wanted to hear him say in his announcer voice. I’d never given much thought before to what I’d want to hear a Smash announcer voice say or do, but the Smash community overwhelmingly wanted the Pokemon Theme Song, from the anime. Mobus (without hesitation, the report says!) gave it his best shot.

Give it a listen:

I’m immediately left imagining the possibilities for all the other things the Announcer could say or sing, and if you are too, it turns out Mobus is a fun singer AND a really cool guy, and if you keep an eye on his YouTube channel he fulfills requests all the time, and will likely produce more great things. Since we always imagine the Announcer as a big, scary voice in the sky, it really surprised me how casual and laid-back his channel is. I’m really excited to hear him do more requests!

What did you think of Mobus’ rendition of the Pokemon Theme song? Comment below and let us know! For more gaming news and reviews, follow us on twitter @GameSidedDotCom. To get the latest in gaming wherever you go, download the official Fansided App on the App Store or Google Play Market today!