Ubisoft has announced the release date for Tetris Ultimate on the 3DS. Fans of the classic block-stacker will be able to play from their Nintendo device on November 11th, 2014.
In many ways, it’s the same Tetris we all know and love. But Tetris Ultimate has plenty of other features to keep it fresh. It includes six different play modes: Marathon (playing for points), Endless, Ultra (a timed test), Sprint (clearing 40 lines as fast as possible), Battle (competitive), and Power-Up Battle (a last-man-standing competition…with MarioKart-esque items in play). Up to four players can play against one another at a time.
Tetris Ultimate for the 3DS will also include version-exclusive Challenge Modes, including Rotation Lock, where the orientations of the Tetriminos are random and unchangable, and Invisible, where they become invisible as they hit the bottom. The game will also feature online leaderboards and plenty of ways to compare your game to your friends’.
Tetris is one of those things that just never gets old, though apparently it can be remade in new ways again and again, especially with the upcoming Tetris movie. Nonetheless, this looks like a fun way to pick up a classic if you’ve got a 3DS.
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