New System Update Introduces Nintendo 3DS Themes

In its latest system update, Nintendo 3DS themes for the home screen have been introduced, IGN reports. The update also includes added support for Nintendo Network IDs (for better connection with the WiiU) and Miiverse.

Five pre-installed themes are included with the update, and even more are available for purchase on the Nintendo eShop. Themes include simple background palette swaps as well as themes based on your favorite Nintendo games, including a Mario theme, Peach, Animal Crossing, Smash Bros, and Legend of Zelda. Each theme also changes the background music of the Home screen.

More themes are expected to become available in the future. In September, Nintendo launched a website detailed nearly 50 themes for Japan-release, though it’s unknown how many will eventually make their way to NA.

You can view all the launch themes in this video:

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