Warcraft PVP season ending soon

World of Warcraft player-verses-player (PVP) season 15 is coming to a close as announced by Blizzard Entertainment as the launch of Warlords of Draenor approaches.

While the announcement did not contain a specific date, it will most likely be wrapping up Monday the 13th. Two weeks later, titles will be handed out, and it looks as if two classes in particular will produce the most gladiators—Restoration Druid and Restoration Shaman.

This is a bit of a departure from the situation when I wrote my early/mid-season state of the arena piece when resto shaman was far in the lead. In all, of the top 5,000 players in the 3v3 bracket, nearly 1,700 of them are healers, and nearly 1,000 of those are one of the two resto specializations.

Estimates at this time are that the cutoff for Rank 1 Gladiator will be a rating of about 2,870, or 319 US players, and as of Wednesday morning about 100 druids and shamans meet that score. The remaining titles, in descending order from Rank 1 Gladiator to Challenger are as follows: 2,683 Gladiator, 2,224 Duelist, 1,949 Rival, and 1,608 Challenger. Players with a rating of less than Challenger will receive no title.

Due to its complexity, presenting arena action in WOW has not enjoyed the same success as MOAB and eSports titles. Blizzard head of eSports has said as much.

As an example, head to about the eight minute mark of BlizzCon 2013’s 3v3 finals and try to keep with the action.

“World of Warcraft was obviously created well before eSports blew up to the way it is now,” Kim Phan was quoted by PCGamesN.com in a story Monday. “We knew there was a competitive element to World of Warcraft, and then it just kind of blew up from there.”

Still, there is plenty of arena action to watch for those diehard PVP fans on Twitch.tv and other places, and we will recap the 2014 finals that will take place at BlizzCon in November.

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