Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric Gets Early Release

Joystiq has reported that Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric for WiiU will be released one week in advance of its previously-announced November 18th release date. It will now become available on November 11, the same date as Sonic Boom: The Shattered Crystal for the 3DS.

There doesn’t seem to be any particular reason for this move. Kotaku speculates it may have to do with GTA V coming out on November 18. Moving Rise of Lyric up also distances it from Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire’s eagerly anticipated November 21 release date. Watchdogs is also slated for release on November 18 for the WiiU. Or perhaps Nintendo hopes to encourage fans to pick up both Sonic Boom games at the same time?

Regardless, here’s hoping Rise of Lyric goes over better than Sonic’s other 3D appearances, and brings a little glory back to our favorite blue hedgehog.

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