10. Cosmic Star Heroine: Cosmic Star Heroine is an indie RPG, but it’s got all the trappings of classic JRPG, most notably the old school Phantasy Star games on the Sega Genesis. I’m mostly excited about this one because it’s from Zeboyd Games, who made some of my favorite bite-sized JRPGs over the last couple of years (namely Cthulhu Saves The World & Episode 3 & 4 of Penny Arcade’s On The Rain-Slicked Precipice of Darkness.
Cosmic Star Heroine seems like a far more ambitious effort and I’m really looking forward to them pulling it off. Cosmic Star Heroine is due out December 2014 for PC, Mac, PS4 and PS Vita. Hopefully it won’t get delayed as December is generally a dead month for games and this might be good to fill the void for at least a bit.