Happy belated birthday Neverwinter!
Cryptic and Perfect World’s free-to-play D&D MMO just turned one on June 19, and it’s celebrating with the Protector’s Jubilee event that runs through June 25 (thus making us slightly less sheepish about missing the actual birthday).
The in-game story involves Protector’s Enclave holding a golden jubilee celebration, attracting the attention of Elminster Aumar, the most powerful wizard in the Forgotten Realms. But he’s bringing bad news with him: enemy agents are all over the Sword Coast, and the mage needs volunteers to deliver secret messages and do battle with foes that have infiltrated the city of Neverwinter.
There are rewards for helping out, including a jester companion, all kinds of consumables and appearance items, and the most unusual mount ever — the Throne of the Lion, which doesn’t actually move but does stand in one place and look cool. Players can also obtain keys to the Protector’s Garden, a new permanent addition to Protector’s Enclave.
We’ll make up for our forgetfulness next year when Neverwinter turns two. Until then, you can get it on the festivities at www.PlayNeverwinter.com.