Morning DLC: Video Games News And Rumors 6/5/14

"Watch Dogs on the PC is for many, still quite a mess. It’s just not performing as well as it should. The situation’s even worse for those who use AMD hardware, as the game’s been optimised for Nvidia’s technologies as part of Nvidia and Ubisoft’s GameWorks collaboration. It’s a partnership that’s set to continue.Nvidia’s GameWorks suite of tools has previously brought superior effects to Ubisoft games when paired with Nvidia hardware. Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist: Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag, and the most recent Watch Dogs all benefitted from the tech. Now they’ll be bringing “amazing PC gaming experiences to life” with Assassin’s Creed Unity, Far Cry 4, The Crew, and Tom Clancy’s The Division."


"Gamers are more conventionally successful in life than non-gamers. That’s the general statement a new study is trying to make about the modern day gamer.Twitch, the online streaming service, commissioned a study from LifeCourse Associates to determine the statistical identity of the gamers through an online survey of over 1,200 participants. In this survey, gamers are defined as anyone who played a video game within the last 60 days.According to the study, gamers are more social than non-gamers and have better connections with their families. The report said that 72% of gamers play games with their friends, and found that “spending time with their families (82% vs. 68%) and parents (67% vs. 44%) are top priories.”"


"Indie adventure game Night in the Woods will be released on PS4, its development studio has confirmed.Infinite Fall announced the news on the PlayStation Blog, with animator Scott Benson stating: “We’re super happy to announce that Night In The Woods is coming out for PS4.”The game stars Mae, a cat who had recently moved home to go to college. All her friends continued to stay in her home town of Possum Springs, so Mae decides to drop out of college and return back home to “reclaim her teenage life.”"
