Morning DLC: Video Games News And Rumors 5/30/14

"Conservative political commentator Glenn Beck spoke out against Ubisoft’s latest release Watch Dogs via the independent Libertarian news network The Blaze earlier this week, claiming the game teaches players how to hack in real life.“The idea here is they are teaching you to hack and then become the ultimate voyeur in other people’s lives, including their bedrooms, by hacking into their phones and everything,” Beck said during a segment on violence in video games. Beck noted earlier on in the show that game series’ Call of Duty had been said to teach the perpetrator of the 2011 Norway attacks how to shoot to kill."


"Kabam will make a long-awaited mobile game based on The Hunger Games film franchise as part of a deal with movie studio Lionsgate.The deal is a coup of Kabam, a maker of free-to-play mobile social games based on films like The Hobbit and Fast & Furious, as it tries to distinguish its role-playing strategy games from the huge pack of clone game makers on mobile devices. It’s a big deal because the first two Hunger Games movies have generated $1.5 billion at the box office and have huge brand recognition throughout the world.And, because Lionsgate has been late to the video game world, there have been no truly successful exploitations of the franchise on any game platform. But Lionsgate is getting hip to games quickly, as it recently hired Nerdist cofounder Peter Levin to run its investments in video games."


"It’s been announced that publisher Future has plans to close a number of its video game sites, among them CVG. Games websites open and close all the time, and people losing their jobs is always a sad thing, but this one hits particularly hard because of CVG’s long history. A history longer than any other games publication on the planet.While it’s been online-only for years now (the magazine ceased publication in 2004), and its tone and coverage is almost unrecognisable from its earliest days, the fact remains that CVG – known in paper form as Computer & Video Games before its website opened in 1999 – was first published in 1981.Let’s put that in perspective. The game appearing on the cover was Space Invaders.It was the world’s first video game magazine."
