Morning DLC: Video Games News And Rumors 5/29/14

"A free FIFA 14 update introducing new World Cup modes has been delayed on all platforms.Originally scheduled for release today, the update will add a separate World Cup mode within FIFA Ultimate Team on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, plus a World Cup Kick Off mode on PS4 and Xbox One.A further update on EA’s progress is due on Thursday evening European time."


"When THQ declared bankruptcy and dissolved, it abandoned its office, leaving boxes, games, marketing materials and more behind, according to a gallery created by Reddit user Soulessgingr.The Redditor works for a company that moved into THQ’s former headquarters. According to Soulessgingr, the THQ office includes abandoned hardware like cables, monitors, routers and TVs.But more important to video game fans, the office is also littered with video game awards, boxes and promotional materials for former THQ games like South Park: The Stick of Truth, which found new life at Ubisoft,  Saints Row the Third: Enter the Dominatrix, a planned standalone expansion that was eventually incorporated into Saints Row 4, and posters for Darksiders 2, a franchise that Nordic Games acquired."


"Battlefield: Hardline is already a strong early contender for “Worst Kept Secret” at this year’s E3 conference. With only weeks to go before its planned unveiling, we’ve already seen developer and gameplay details, including a whopping seven minutes of footage. Visceral Games couldn’t exactly go on ignoring such a huge leak, and general manager Steve Papoutsis has shared some details about what we’ve seen so far.“Video that’s out there was for an internal meeting,” he said. “It’s 6 months old now and team has been cranking since then. See the real deal at E3.”"
