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Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer Wins LA Clippers Bid


The winner of the Los Angeles Clippers bid (the result of the whole Donald Sterling fiasco) comes in an unlikely source. The Los Angeles Times is reporting that former Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, has come out on top, offering the highest bid at $2 billion. That is the highest bid offer for an incoming owner in NBA history.

Before winning the ownership rights to the Clippers, Steve Ballmer worked at Microsoft for over 33 years. Starting out as the company’s first business manager, he was promoted to CEO in 2000. From there, he helped create a ton of business ventures for Microsoft, with one of the first things on his list being entering the games console industry. He had reportedly researched the industry for 6 months before deciding to go forward with helping to develop Xbox.

So Steve Ballmer goes from working with Microsoft and its software/gaming technologies to owning the Los Angeles Clippers. It could possibly be the first case of an owner sweating on the court in bigger volumes than the players! Either way, that means that he won’t likely covering E3 2014 as a pundit, unlike one of the latest outgoing Big Three games company CEO.


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