"Have you heard the one where a mystery box shows up at a news station, starts beeping, and when the bomb squad rips it open there’s a video game inside?Ubisoft decided to be clever when it came to promoting Watch Dogs, and shipped sealed metal safes to newsrooms all around the world. The idea was for the recipient to have gotten a voicemail with the unlock code as the safe arrived, so they could participate in a quick little super spy mission of their own.Unfortunately, Australian news group Ninemsn didn’t get the voicemail. With no identifying marks on the casing, the team was happy to ignore the safe until is started beeping and wouldn’t stop."
"The good news is that we’ve finally gotten our priorities in order.According to Nielsen, the average U.S. gamer age 13 or older spent 6.3 hours a week playing video games during 2013. That’s up from 5.6 hours in 2012, which was up from 5.1 hours in 2011. If you like fun, we’re trending in the right direction.As for which systems were used most often in 2013, seventh-generation consoles (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii) beat PCs by a percentage point – 34% to 33% – while mobile phones took a distant third at 10%."
"Nintendo has announced two new games coming to Europe this summer.Pullblox World is the third game in the Pullblox series, following on from 3DS titles Pullblox and Fallblox, and marks the series’ debut on Wii U. It will be released on June 19.Nintendo has also confirmed the European release of Chibi-Robo Let’s Go Photo, a 3DS photo-taking game previously released in Japan and North America."