The Evil Within Delayed Until October 2014, Bethesda Announces

Did somebody not inform me that today was international “Delay Your Video Game Day?” Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami’s latest horror game, The Evil Within, has been delayed by Bethesda until October 21st in North America. The game was previously slated for an August release. GameSpot has reported that the reason for the delay is to provide, “Additional time to make further balance changes and refinements to the game.”

While a delay may prove beneficial for The Evil Within, can someone tell game publishers that there are other months to release your holiday games other than October? So far, not counting The Evil Within, October will see the AAA release of Driveclub, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Alien: Isolation, NBA 2K15, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, Batman: Arkham Knight, Evolve, WWE 2K15 and Raven’s Cry. With such a psychological and gruesome title within the survival horror genre being developed by Tango Gameworks, you have to wonder just how well the game will sell against a stacked competition.

The Evil Within will now be released on October 21 for the PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360. Perhaps the barbed wire industry finally got their revenge?


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