Someone at Nintendo France will certainly recieve a fine scolding if an interview with Le Figaro is to be believed to be true. Just like how The Last of Us for PS4 was announced by a PlayStation head from an international market, Nintendo France’s Managing Director, Stephan Bole, may have just announced that the upcoming Super Smash Bros entry for the Wii U will make use of the NFC figurine device that is coming to the Wii U later this year.
In French, then in translated English:
"Et du côté des sorties de jeux produits par Nintendo, il y aura évidemment le jeu de combat Super Smash Bros. L’E3 sera aussi l’occasion de montrer l’utilisation de la technologie NFC [technologie utilisée dans Skylanders et Disney Infinity, permettant d’utiliser des objets réels – ici, des figurines – dans des jeux vidéo] dans les consoles Nintendo. Le NFC sera utilisé dans la version Wii U de Super Smash Bros.And on the output side of games produced by Nintendo, there will obviously be the fighting game Super Smash Bros. E3 is also an opportunity to illustrate the use of NFC technology [technology used in Skylanders and Disney Infinity, allowing the use of real objects – here, figurines – in video games] in Nintendo consoles. The NFC will be used in the Wii U version of Super Smash Bros."
If this were to be true, it could provide an insane boost in cash flow that both the Wii U and Nintendo need right now. The ability to purchase figurines of Super Smash Bros characters could prove to be quite useful in a plethora of ways. Figurines could be coded to contain and use custom move set data for quick transportable use between consoles. For collectors in general, it would be a cool thing to collect, as Smash characters were figurines and trophies themselves from the start. Who knows, Nintendo might continually roll out new characters with NFC custom figurines of other franchises as the Wii U extends its life cycle.
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has said that just one miracle game could save a console in dire need like the Wii U. By using NFC figurines, seeing just how successful Skylanders has been for Activision, could Super Smash Bros be the Wii U’s saving grace?
We will attempt to reach a representative from Nintendo of America for comment.
h/t NeoGAF
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