Amplitude Kickstarter Fully Funded With Hours To Go

Talk about squeaking in right under the wire! The Amplitude Kickstarter project, created to help develop a rhythm-action game for Harmonix based on the 2003 cult classic, has just achieved full funding with less than 24 hours remaining.

It may not seem like a big accomplishment, seeing a game by an established developer raise less than $1 million over the course of a month. A different story starts to form when you look at when the fundraising for the Amplitude Kickstarter truly started to “kick” it up a notch.

Using Kicktraq, you can see that a great deal of the game’s funding has been achieved from May 19th (Day 14 of 19) on, which is quite the opposite of funding trends that most Kickstarter projects see. It’s rare to see near half of a project’s funds obtained over the last ~25% of its allotted fundraising time!

It speaks a great deal of respect for not only the gaming community within the fanbase, but also between executives and companies within the video game industry. With the likes of Insomniac Games, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, Autumn Games and the president of Capy Games showing their support in the hours leading up to the Amplitude Kickstarter reaching its funding goal, we have likely seen the most improbably comeback in Kickstarter history.

Those who pledged at least $20 ($15 if you were one of the first 1,000 at that level to pledge) will be able to play their own copy of Amplitude for the PS4 and/or PS3 (cross-buy) when the game is projected to drop in March 2015.


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