Night Trap To Return, Says Co-Creator

Some of you who have been gaming since at least the 16-bit era may remember a game for the ill-fated Sega CD called Night Trap. This controversial “classic” was released at the height of the FMV era and had you monitoring a house, trying to trap vampires who were after several young women staying the night.

For rather ridiculous reasons, the game was the subject of congressional hearings and a huge factor in the development of the ESRB.

You think that would pretty much be the legacy of a game with that controversial history. However, the co-creator, James Riley, who currently holds the rights, told the Night Trap Facebook Community that he plans to re-release the game. He claims the game will be remastered with better video-quality with none of the compression found in those early 90s FMV games.

"“Night Trap will come back, in better resolution and game play than before, we just want to be sure it’s the best strategy for all involved.”"

My reaction this is for the love of god, why? I had Night Trap for Sega CD when it came out because I bought into all that FMV garbage at the time. A lot of us did. Going beyond the awful, grainy video and not even worthy of dinner theater acting, it was a horrible game. The whole concept was broken. Even if you were to improve the quality and tighten the controls, it still wouldn’t work. But let’s forget all that and enjoy the majesty that is the Night Trap theme song:

What do you think GameSided Readers? Is anybody excited about a re-release of Night Trap? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!