John Oliver Takes Tomodachi Life To Task (Video)

There is a great controversy surrounding Nintendo’s apparent lack of support for same-sex marriage and partners in their life simulation game, Tomodachi Life. Nintendo has since apologized, and have committed to bringing marriage equality to future titles of the like. Some see this worthy of a small a celebration, including the likes of John Oliver on his new weekly HBO news satire show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.

As you can see in the video above, Nintendo’s decision to be more inclusive to people of all lifestyles in future Tomodachi Life games has been satirized to show support from Nintendo characters, including the likes of pairings Mario and Link, plus Princess Peach and Princess Zelda making out like there’s no tomorrow. Additionally, Yoshi and Toad marry to acquire the “Pension Benefits” powerup, while Bowser takes advantage of Donkey Kong’s death benefits after his unfortunate passing.

It’s rather silly, but seemingly appropriate in its parody for a show that doesn’t heavily follow gaming news like a proper gaming website would. There doesn’t seem to be malice with what Nintendo did with Tomodachi Life and marriage partnership, however it does show how certain aspects of the company and its developers are either behind in the times or simply not putting thought into all aspects of human sexuality. They should have handled relating to the public better, and with the development team working on other projects, the promise of equality in future titles seems like the best they can offer.

Tomodachi Life will be coming to North America exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS on June 6th. Time will tell if this controversy will have an impact on the game’s sales going forward.


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