Watch Dogs Promo Video Shows Off Hacking In Real Life

With Watch Dogs being released in the coming weeks, it’s inevitable that Ubisoft will be promoting the hell out of it. With long delays and a release over 5 different consoles, plus a plethora of mobile devices via companion apps, the marketing team created a fairly interesting video in which a cellphone repair store owner pranks unsuspecting participants into believing their new phone can hack electronic devices in the real world.

The cynic (and realist) in me wants to scream out how fake the participants are being (since they’re totally actors, right?), yet there’s still a great deal of effort made into this prank video for Watch Dogs. For one, the crew working on this project had to blow up existing street lights, wrangle a bunch of cars together to set off the car alarms at the same time, change traffic lights and create an actual traffic collision.

It brings to mind what we as kids used to do all the time when we were younger; imagine the world tailoring to your whim and imagination. In this case, it would be awesome if you could do in real life what you could do in Watch Dogs, even if you may run into some bumps along the way.

Watch Dogs will be released on PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360 on May 27th. The release date for the Wii U version is unknown at this time.


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