Scratch everything you might have seen or heard. Ubisoft has plainly stated Scratch everything you might have seen or heard. Ubisoft has plainly stated

Ubisoft: Watch Dogs Is 900p On PS4, 792p On Xbox One


Scratch everything you might have seen or heard. Ubisoft has plainly stated on their blog that Watch Dogs will operate at 900p on the PS4 and 792p on the Xbox One. Both run at 30 frames per second, not 60.

Forget everything about resolution differences for just a second. PS4 is not the winner here, and Xbox is not the definite loser here, either. (Sony still might have egg on their face for being incorrectly boastful, though) I would have to argue that it’s Ubisoft that comes out looking rather displeasing.

Here is what Watch Dogs looked like in 2012: (running on PC graphics)

Now here is what the game looks like 2 years later, with a trailer coming out today (6 months after delaying it from a November 2013 launch):

The visual downgrade is not only very apparent, but the game cannot hit 1080p on the more powerful console. Seeing how Ubisoft has already proven this to be possible with the launch title, open-world, naval-and-land-based action-adventure game Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag on PS4, it doesn’t make sense that Watch Dogs isn’t capable of achieving that same resolution with half a year’s extra work.

Ubisoft explains that they were, “Polishing all aspects of the gameplay and making sure hacking is fully integrated into every system.” Considering the fact that they seem to be willing to sacrifice a steady framerate for, “Dynamism, [which is] at the core of the [Watch Dogs] experience,” I can’t understand how gameplay performance can be considered a polished aspect of Watch Dogs.

We’ll have to see for ourselves just how striking the differences in graphics are when Watch Dogs is released on the PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360 this May 27th. I can’t imagine what the Wii U version will look like, whenever it sees its release later this year.


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