The zombie apocalypse is going to have to wait until next year. At least the struggle fo..."/> The zombie apocalypse is going to have to wait until next year. At least the struggle fo..."/>

Dying Light To Release In February 2015


The zombie apocalypse is going to have to wait until next year.

At least the struggle for survival against the undead depicted in Dying Light, the upcoming horror game from Techland and Warner Bros. Interactive, won’t take place until then. Techland announced today that the game is slated for a February 2015 release, several months later than was originally planned.

The developers say the extra time will allow them to get the gameplay mechanics exactly where they want them to be, saying in a press release:

"When we started the development of Dying Light, we were committed to innovation. We wanted to give you a freedom of movement unprecedented in open-world games. After many improvements and months of hard work, we have now come so close to realizing our initial vision we feel we cannot stop before it is ready.We believe the Natural Movement element of our game will change what you expect from the genre, and we don’t want to sacrifice any of its potential by releasing too early. This quality-focused thinking underlines all our development choices and we hope you share our belief that the gameplay must always come first."

Another potential factor is that Dying Light will bridge the previous and current generations of consoles, launching on PS4, Xbox One, Ps3, Xbox 360 and PC. Techland also hinted that more specific details about some of the game’s features would be shown off at E3 in June, along with hands-on time for the media and industry members in attendance.

I guess the zombies can hold out for another month, right?