Okay, I'll level with you. This post really has nothing to do with the actual Cinco..."/> Okay, I'll level with you. This post really has nothing to do with the actual Cinco..."/>

Happy Cinco De Mayo: Top 5 Number 5 Games Of All Time

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Okay, I’ll level with you. This post really has nothing to do with the actual Cinco de Mayo celebration — though come to think of it, neither do most observations of said celebration here in the U.S.

No, I simply wanted to take advantage of an occasion that owes more than a little to its numerology to give some love to the best number five games of all time. Since many video game series made it to fifth installments, this could have been a massive undertaking. But to keep the concept distilled to its purest form, I narrowed the field to include only games with the number five in their titles (regular or Roman numerals, as I don’t discriminate).

When you think about it, there’s a certain amount of chutzpah required to keep numbering your games when you arrive at the fifth entry in a series. you’re basically announcing to the world, “Hey! We know you love these games so much that it won’t even bother you that we didn’t put any energy into coming up with a subtitle.”

And indeed, the games on this list are beloved enough that fancy naming conventions weren’t necessary. To give the list just a dash of objectivity, I ranked them by Metacritic score. A special shout goes out to Mega Man 5, which was released in the Dark Time Before Metacritic.

Ready for five great number fives? Here we go …