Nintendo Nintendo

Nintendo Confirms No New Hardware Coming At E3


Nintendo has been rumored to be revealing a new hardware unit during E3 2014 later this year. While Nintendo doesn’t usually comment on rumors or speculation, they have made a special case to CVG, denying the rumor that a new gaming hardware would be revealed during their stay in California this June.

However, Nintendo did state that they are currently developing a new Quality of Life (QoL) device, one that was previously mentioned at their recent financial briefing. It is set to be revealed by the end of the fiscal year, ending in March 2015. Basically, we’re nowhere close to hearing solid plans for the device, nor are we fairly close to seeing a release of the “non-wearable device.”

It will be interesting to see how Nintendo attacks this new aspect of their entertainment business. President and CEO Satoru Iwata has been placed in the hot seat after disappointing sales of the Wii U and the diminishing year-over-year sales of the Nintendo 3DS worldwide. Whatever Nintendo has planned for their quality of life device will likely try to be something that has not been accomplished before, but the company needs success in the interim.

As much as Nintendo’s war chest of funds is massive, it’s easy to down-spiral quickly if shareholders get restless and share buybacks need to be initiated on a grander scale. Not to say that Nintendo is doomed; that would be fairly facetious. Iwata himself, however, is standing on uneven grounds. Perhaps this quality of life device will work wonders on him and the company itself, as well.


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