Wolfenstein: The New Order Gameplay Video Shows Two Ways To Play

Wolfenstein: The New Order is coming out next month, and the publishers at Bethesda would like you to see for yourself that there are more ways than one to eliminate the Nazi threat.

The quiet, “tactile” gameplay footage shows off OSA agent Blazkowicz sneaking around a Nazi facility, using stealth mechanics to take down his enemies. Throwing knives, lockpicking and cinematic kill animations seem to comprise the majority of the more cunning kill actions. Additionally, there is the option to shoot your enemies with silenced weapons.

The aggressive route showcases Blazkowicz taking out the biggest weapons possible, including dual-wielding machine guns, explosive plasma-esque grenades and tons of gory headshots. While it seems at odds with the action route for Wolfenstein: The New Order to have a much more docile approach available, it does provide players with different looks at the same level for repeat plays.

Wolfenstein: The New Order is headed for the PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360 on May 20th.


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