Amazing Spider-Man 2 Crawls Onto Xbox One Marketplace

Earlier this month, Gamesided reported that Amazing Spider-Man 2 was indefinitely delayed due to unknown reasons on the Xbox One. Activision simply stated that it was working with Microsoft in order to bring the game out as fast as possible with no explanation for the delay.

Well, Amazing Spider-Man 2 is out today, and it’s at least out on the Xbox One storefront, so Xbox One owners can purchase it digitally if they wish.

There has been no announcement from Activision or Microsoft on why the game was initially delayed or why it’s only available digitally right now. One can probably assume that developer Beenox was burning the midnight oil to fix whatever was wrong with the Xbox One version of Amazing Spider-Man 2 and was able to push it out at least digitally with the other versions on time, with the retail version coming out shortly after. That is one good advantage of digital versus physical, you can just throw it up on the marketplace when you’ve fixed a delayed title vs. having to put it on discs and ship it out to stores.

Of course, the big question is if Amazing Spider-Man 2 is any good. Given that no early reviews have gone up, and I’ve even seem comments on Twitter that review copies were not sent out, that’s not a great indicator. I am renting it later today, so check back later in the week for that review.

Chime in, GameSided readers? Excited to be able to play The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on your Xbox Ones? Or any system for that matter? Let us know in the comments!