There will come a time when games are primarily made for the PS4, Xbox One and Wii U onl..."/> There will come a time when games are primarily made for the PS4, Xbox One and Wii U onl..."/>

Destiny Can Allow PS3/360 Saves To PS4, Xbox One


There will come a time when games are primarily made for the PS4, Xbox One and Wii U only, with various annualized sports games as the exception to the rule. For now, though, game publishers will have to try to have their cake and eat it, too, when it comes to getting consumers to purchase the newer-console versions of games. One way that Activision will do this, according to Polygon, could allow for players to bring their Destiny save files from the PS3 and Xbox 360 to the PS4 and Xbox One, respectively.

Bungie investment lead Tyson Green:

"We’re interested in making sure that last gen character can move to next gen. A lot of people are going to buy Destiny on PS3 or Xbox 360 and then get a PS4 for Christmas. Don’t tell me I wasted those last 100 hours there. So we’re really interested in supporting that. Our longer-term platform plans, I couldn’t speak to right now. But we don’t want to lock people in."

Although the details aren’t fully fleshed out at this time (the game is still more than 4 months away from release), Green mentions that there are restrictions made by the platform-creators that prohibit transferring save data from a PS3/PS4 to an Xbox 360/Xbox One and vice versa. It would be a cool function to have, and would make the jump to the next generation of consoles that much easier for the consumer, but I doubt that either Sony or Microsoft would allow this. With so many multi-platform titles performing at a lower resolution, framerate or both on the Xbox One, it doesn’t serve Microsoft’s interest to make Xbox 360 owners have an easier time to pick up a PS4 and the PS4 version of a game, even if the opposite could be true for another game down the line.

h/t FanSided


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