According to Gamrreview, Gamefly has a listing for Telltale’s episodic fairy tale detective adventure, The Wolf Among Us for the Xbox One and PS4. If this is true, it would make it the latest in a long series of last-gen titles to come to current consoles, including rumors of Telltale’s other big series, The Walking Dead, coming to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as well in some form at some point.
Unlike recent games remastered and released for current consoles such as Last of Us or Tomb Raider, this might actually be a welcome move.
For one, The Wolf Among Us hasn’t even finished its season yet, so it would make plenty of sense to release all the episodes at once on a next gen console, either through digital means, physical retail or both. The other big advantage here is that Telltale games always seem to run rather horribly on consoles, with the PC versions being far superior in performance. With the Xbox One and PS4 being pretty close to a current PC, a new version of The Wolf Among Us for the current consoles could finally be the one that runs smoothest. I certainly wouldn’t mind a $20 remastered edition that contains all the episodes for the PS4 and runs with no hiccups or issues whatsoever.
What do you think, Gamesided readers? Excited about the possibility of The Wolf Among Us on your shiny new consoles? Or is this just another last-gen console series and you’re chomping at the bit for something truly new? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!