Who watches the Watch Dogs? In the future, it could be you through movie form. That'..."/> Who watches the Watch Dogs? In the future, it could be you through movie form. That'..."/>

A Watch Dogs Movie Is In The Works


Who watches the Watch Dogs? In the future, it could be you through movie form. That’s right, according to Deadline, the yet-to-be-released action-adventure hacker game Watch Dogs has had the rights to a movie picked up by New Regency, and have tapped Zombieland Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese to pen the screenplay. New Regency is already working on films for other Ubisoft properties, including a Splinter Cell movie starring Tom Hardy and an Assassin’s Creed film starring Michael Fassbender.

As with virtually any film project based on a video game property, I have some reservations about the quality of the film. For one, we don’t even know how true to the game the Watch Dogs movie would be, seeing how the game’s not even out yet. To me, it speaks to where Ubisoft see themselves as an entertainment company, trying to broaden their horizons within the film industry. Seeing how Watch Dogs the game was delayed several months in order to create a better quality title, I wouldn’t be surprised if the film is released in more than 4 years from now.

Plus, there’s always the legitimate chance that Watch Dogs doesn’t hold itself as a quality title. Without anybody playing through the entirety of the game outside of Ubisoft developers, there’s no sense on just how deserving of a Watch Dogs movie this project is. It’s a really odd occurrence of putting the cart out before the horse without even knowing what the horse looks like, critically.

What do you think, GameSided readers? Is Ubisoft creating a movie based on a yet-to-be-released game a wise decision? Are you interested in seeing a movie based on what you’ve seen of Watch Dogs? Let us know in the comments below.

h/t The A.V. Club


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