Watch Dogs Preview Roundup

As the embargo lifts from a recent Watch Dogs preview event, various websites are providing their gameplay impressions through articles and video that highly their hours of experience playing the nearly-completed version of the game. For those who do not have the luxury to travel around the world to see these preview events for themselves, we at GameSided are bringing the preview roundup to you!

Here are what several gaming outlets are saying about their time with Watch Dogs, coming to PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360 on May 27th:

Giantbomb – Unfinished: Watch Dogs (Video)

Brad Shoemaker got to spend some time playing through Watch Dogs, playing 90 minutes from the start then jumping ahead to a third of the way through the game. He notes that there is a stark difference between the PC and PS4 versions, visually speaking. “Framerate, sharpness; PC version’s definitely the one to play.”

Rev3Games – New Watch Dogs Gameplay! Tara’s Hands-On Impressions of the Missions, Open World and More

Spending over 4 hours with the game (completing the first quest, then exploring the city), Tara Long goes into detail about the 4 main types of side quests available in Watch Dogs. The first is Gang Hideouts, in which you are requested to non-lethally take out the leader of a gang within Chicago. The second is Fixer Contracts, where players would do things like steal cars and flee pursuers. The third type is Criminal Convoys, requiring player to target said convoys and steal materials. The last main type is Crime Detection, where ctOS detects a potential crime happening in your area. She also describes the other types of pop-up quests and adventures you can experience along the way.

Ubisoft – Watch_Dogs – 9 minutes Multiplayer Gameplay Demo [UK]

Created from those working at Ubisoft themselves (so take the video as promotion, not impressions), the video shows off multiple ways to interact in Watch Dogs from a multiplayer perspective. Whether it be in spontaneous hacks, team-based objectives or challenges through the mobile app, Watch Dogs seems to be one of the first released of a wave of games that feature seamless single-to-multiplayer aspects.

Eurogamer – Watch Dogs: Spider Tank – Eurogamer Preview

It has been revealed that things called “Digital Trips” are included in Watch Dogs, in which protagonist Aiden Pearce can go into a technologically-induced drug state and unlock various trippy mini-games. One of said minigames has you operate a spider tank, creating havoc and destruction to the lives and personal property of Chicago citizens without any of the messy repercussions of negative reputation.

PlayStation – Watch_Dogs on PS4 — The Life of a Hacker

Speaking with members of the creative team responsible for Watch Dogs, PlayStation goes more into the behind-the-scenes development of the open world game while selling their versions on PS4 and PS3 to those who watch. Regardless, the video does provide some valuable insight into the game’s production and features. They seem to want to make clear that players have choice, and how you play is up to you.


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