Taking over a project from another developer is no small task; doing so as your company&#..."/> Taking over a project from another developer is no small task; doing so as your company&#..."/>

Killer Instinct Season 2 Features Eight New Characters


Taking over a project from another developer is no small task; doing so as your company’s first major foray into the AA-AAA gaming market is something else altogether. But Iron Galaxy Studios is tackling the task of taking over Killer Instinct from Double Helix quite admirably, as Shoryuken reports that the fighting game’s second season will feature both 8 new characters and will see the return of No Mercy moves.

As you can imagine, No Mercy finishers act like Fatalities that are infamous to the Mortal Kombat series. Knowing Killer Instinct and its proclivity to use particle effects to create stunning visuals, I’m wondering just how brutal these moves will get. Additionally, another thing being pondered is just who’s coming back from previous Killer Instinct rosters. My guess is that Riptor and Cinder are near guaranteed to be included in the upcoming season, but beyond that is up in the air. We may even end up seeing new creations coming from the studio that brought us Divekick.

The first season of Killer Instinct is available right now exclusively on Xbox One. It’s free to try, with a minimum of $20 to gain access to all 8 first season characters.


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