Few series have seen more reboots in the past couple generations than Prince of..."/> Few series have seen more reboots in the past couple generations than Prince of..."/>

Rumor: 2D Prince Of Persia In Development


Few series have seen more reboots in the past couple generations than Prince of Persia. Nearly every new game features a pretty big twist on the previous formula, occasionally even drastically changing the titular character of the Prince (or giving him an emo personality everyone hates).

If the latest rumors are to be believed, the next Prince of Persia title will have the series going back to it’s 2D roots, powered the Ubiarts engine which has been used in the latest Rayman titles and the upcoming Child of Light.

Ubisoft simply replied with the standard ,”We do not comment on rumors and speculation” line when asked about a new Prince of Persia title.

No other info was provided, but seeing that the new Prince of Persia title might be using the Ubiarts engine it would be pretty easy for it to appear on pretty much every platform.

While it’s usually a good idea for a series to get back to its roots when it needs to go back to the drawing board, I hope they emulate the old school Prince of Persia titles too much as those were ridiculously hard. What might be best is simply a solid 2D platformer that also has the Sands of Time mechanic of being able to rewind. That first big reboot of the franchise is still by far my favorite of the last several entries and might be one of the best games ever made frankly.

What do you think Gamesided readers? Excited for a new 2D Prince of Persia? Would you rather see a new 3D entry? Should the franchise just stay dead? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!