Reported by the upstanding news organization Reported by the upstanding news organization

The Evil Within Barbed Wire Use Causes ‘Outrage’ By Barbed Wire Industry


Reported by the upstanding news organization The Onion, it appears as though the negative portrayal of the use of barbed wire within the upcoming Bethesda video game, The Evil Within, has caused backlash and protests by the barbed wire industry. Protestors have been shown to carry signs that read, “Barbed Wire = Hero,” “The Slander Within,” and “Keep Our Fences Safe!”

No, this is not a serious news story, but in fact a hilarious (albeit, sponsored) video produced for satire. Despite The Evil Within being released in more than four months from now, there’s no passing up an opportunity to parody not only something within the video game, but also how “Bethesda” defends its use. “I, myself, have many friends who use barbed wire,” the Bethesda spokesperson said, indicating exactly what The Onion is truly driving at.

Check out the full video for yourself below. The Evil Within comes out on PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360 on August 26.


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